Everything You Need to Know About the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act

Everything You Need to Know About the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act

The LHWCA is a federal law that provides compensation, medical care, and vocational rehabilitation to employees injured while working in navigable waters of the United States. Compensation is also available for those working in loading, unloading, repairing, or vessel building. For example, a docks accident would qualify for compensation.

If an employee claims being injured while employed at sea, Montiel Hodge can help. We are the best Louisiana longshore defense lawyers in the state and are here to support you.

Who is Eligible?

Employees may be eligible to file longshore claims if they are covered employee under the LHWCA who has been injured on the job. Widows and widowers of those who have passed away due to work-related injuries may also be eligible, for extensions of the Act.

The Benefits

As the best LHWCA defense attorney in Louisiana, you can count on Montiel Hodge for our expert advice. This Act can be challenging to navigate, which is why we’re here to assist you. Here is the rundown of benefits a covered employee may be entitled to under the LHWCA:

 ●      Temporary benefits while in treatment for work-related injuries.

○      In most cases, such benefits add up to two-thirds of weekly pay.

●      Approved medical expenses, including:

○      Doctor’s visits

○      Surgery

○      Prescriptions

○      Crutches

○      Nursing assistance

○      Prostheses

○      Hearing aids

○      Other services/materials needed for recovery

Once treatment is finished, LHWCA may compensate either for injured body parts or two-thirds of your employee’s lost wage earning capacity. If a worker dies, there are survivors’ benefits that may be collected. Contact a Louisiana longshore death law firm today if a claim has been filed as a result of death due to a work-related injury under the LHWCA.

LHWCA Extensions

There are other types of employment covered by the LHWCA, according to Congress. Extensions are handled in the same manner as Longshore Act claims and given the same benefits. Extensions include:

●      Defense Base Act: The DBA covers those who work for private employers on military bases in the United States, those who work on public contracts with a United States government agency, and more.

●      Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act: The OCSLA covers employees working on the Outer Continental Shelf of the United States.

●      Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act: Civilian employees of non-appropriated fund instrumentalities of the Armed Forces are covered by the NAFIA.

LHWCA Assistance

If an employee has filed a claim after being injured while working in the United States navigable waters, don’t waste time. Instead, call Montiel Hodge, the longshore defense lawyer you can trust.


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