What do you do when the Insurance Company Denies Your Homeowners Claim?


Many homeowners approach us with the same story, “we paid our insurance premiums for many years and never made a claim, and now the insurance company has told us that they are denying our claim.” We hear this same sad refrain all the time. Homeowners frustrated, confused, and defeated by the refusal of an insurance company to pay their claim, or to pay the entire amount of their claim. In the aftermath of a tornado, hurricane, or flood, most homeowners just want to rebuild as quickly as possible. Sometimes, the insurance company does not move at a reasonable pace.

Unfortunately, the answer often involves hiring a lawyer to assist with your claim. Many insurance companies respond differently when they are contacted by an Attorney. We can work with you to document the damages in various ways. Usually, we recommend obtaining multiple estimates from contractors to show the actual amount of your damages. This is an effective strategy to demonstrate the actual cost of a claim in your area to the insurance company. Often, this will trigger the insurance company to pay your claim’s actual value. 

If not, we can proceed with a lawsuit. Many of these lawsuits will allege bad faith for failure to adjust the claim properly. Bad faith claims can lead to the recovery of punitive damages and attorney’s fees for the homeowner if the judge or jury ultimately agrees that the insurance company did not handle the claim fairly.

At Montiel Hodge, we strive to deliver results as quickly as we can. We understand that most homeowner’s are not interest in protracted litigation, they just want their homes back. If you are having trouble working with your insurance company, give us a call. We would be happy to help.

(504) 323-5885


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