What Steps You Should Take Before a Hurricane Hits

Every year in Louisiana, hurricane season begins on June 1st, and it’s crucial to be prepared. As the best hurricane damage attorney in the state, Montiel Hodge can advise on hurricane preparedness.

Before a Hurricane

Expect heavy rain, strong winds, floods, and even tornados with a hurricane. As experts on hurricane law in Louisiana, we can help you safeguard your family, your home, and your belongings with these tips:

Have a plan to evacuate:

If your local governance advises you to evacuate, here’s what you should know:

●      How you’ll get out if you must use public transportation?

●      Where will you go, where will you get there, and where will you stay once you arrive?

Note: Mobile homes and RVs do not offer sufficient protection from hurricanes.

Have a plan to shelter in place:

If you are staying in place, you should:

●      Prepare to live without electricity, gas, internet, and water for an extended period.

●      Pick a safe shelter in the case of high winds. These shelters should be a windowless interior rooms on the lowest level of a building that is unlikely to flood.

●      Designate higher ground to move to if you are in a flood zone.

Other ways that you can prepare, whether you are evacuating or sheltering in place, include:

●      Add emergency numbers to your phone’s contact list.

●      Putting together an emergency supply kit.

●      If you have pets, locate your nearest pet-friendly shelter or hotel.

Emergency Supplies

A hurricane will likely shut down power, block roads, and cut off your water supply. When you’re creating an emergency supply kit for your family, we advise you to include:

●      Food and water supplies.

●      Medicine.

●      Power sources, like flashlights.

●      Important documents like passports, wills, and medical records.

●      A fire extinguisher.

Preparing Your Car

As a hurricane property damage attorney, Montiel Hodge advises you to prepare your car. To get your car ready for a hurricane, you should:

●      Fill the gas tank.

●      Move vehicles into your garage or another sort of shelter.

●      Pack an emergency kit in the glove box.

Ultimate Preparedness

Preparing for a hurricane involves taking all necessary precautions with your home, including tidying up the yard, covering windows and doors with shutters or plywood, filling clean water containers, and more.

As experts in hurricane insurance in Louisiana, Montiel Hodge is here to help you take the necessary steps before a hurricane. Get in touch with us today to learn more about preparedness or to talk to our attorneys about your hurricane insurance claim.


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