

  1. GET MEDICAL ATTENTION IF YOU NEED IT. If you are injured, make sure to call the paramedics and wait for help to arrive. Some injuries can be worsened by trying to move or get out of your vehicle. If the police officers ask if you are injured, make sure to let them know even if you do not want an ambulance.  

  2. CALL THE POLICE. Proper documentation of the accident is critical. A police report will clearly describe the accident and help clarify which party is at fault for the accident. They will collect witness information, insurance information, and owner information, which will greatly increase your chances of success if the claim needs to be litigated. Be sure to get the item number from the responding officer.

  3. TAKE PHOTOS AND VIDEO. Take photos of the accident if you can safely do so. These photos can help establish where the points of impact are, the extent of the damage, the distance traveled after impact, etc. Be sure to take photos from all sides of both vehicle as well as photos from varying distances. Also take photos of the entire scene. Be sure to also take photos of any visible injuries. Sometimes a quick cell phone video can make all the difference.

  4. IDENTIFY WITNESSES. If there were witnesses, be sure to get their names and contact information in case it becomes necessary to contact those individuals later.


  1. GO TO YOUR DOCTOR. If you are having any residual pain or issue from the accident, it is best to treat with your regular physician and if needed obtain a referral to a specialist. It is always best to use the doctors you have used previously, so there is no perception that you are being directed to doctors by your attorney. If you do not have insurance or a primary care doctor, you may need to consult an attorney to assist you.

  2. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING. Evidence is critical to the success of your claim. All injuries must be documented by a doctor for the insurance company to provide compensation for that injury. Remember to tell the doctor about your accident, so he or she may document it in their records.

  3. DEAL WITH THE PROPERTY DAMAGE. Your vehicle will either be able to be repaired or deemed a total loss. We can assist you with the process if needed.



    Some medical professionals do not handle injuries arising out of auto accidents. The doctors that do require payment up-front for your medical expenses. Our firm has an extensive network of physicians and other medical professionals that understand the litigation process and will work with you. 


    You will need to get your vehicle fixed or obtain a settlement if your vehicle was totaled. Many firms fail to understand the importance of this step and are not aware of the potential damages you can obtain if the insurance company fails to pay for your property damage. 


    Many insurance companies will try to resolve the claim for less than you are entitled to. There may also be disputes about liability for the accident. We have many years of experience litigating these claims on behalf of insurance companies and know how to secure the most favorable outcome for your case. 


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