What to do after Hurricane Ida Checklist

  1. Assess the damage to your home and make sure there are no additional dangers to yourself or your family

  2. Take extensive photo and video documentation of all property damage

  3. Call your insurance company and report the claim

  4. Make sure the adjuster comes to your home in a timely fashion to inspect your damages

  5. Obtain copies of your most recent insurance contract or policy

  6. Review the insurance companies estimate

  7. Ensure you are paid within 30 days of submitting your proof of loss. If not, you are likely entitled to penalties and attorney’s fees

  8. Be proactive about submitting your own estimates. Montiel Hodge works with contractors to ensure estimates are sent timely to the insurance company to prompt payment

  9. Make a list of damaged items and contents (don’t forget to include everything in your fridge and freezers)

  10. Gather receipts for purchase of personal property that was damaged or lost

  11. Obtain estimates for property damage repairs

  12. Obtain Invoices for temporary repair expenses. Montiel Hodge works with contractors who will provide tarps for roofs on an emergency basis and bill your insurance company for their services

  13. Retain records of alternative living expenses (hotel and rental car costs, etc.)

If you need help don’t be afraid to contact us. We are happy to give advice free of charge. We can ensure that you do everything you need to do to start your claim off on the best footing.


Denied Hurricane Claims: How can you afford an attorney and get your house repaired?
