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Kevin Barraco Kevin Barraco

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hurricane Ida Insurance Claims

A hurricane's impact on a home or business can be highly unsettling and overwhelming. Suppose your property was in the path of Hurricane Ida.

In that case, you likely have many questions about hurricane insurance claims and litigation.

Our knowledgeable hurricane Ida attorneys answer some of the most common questions we receive.

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Kevin Barraco Kevin Barraco

Worker's Compensation Fraud: How to Identify & Handle

Louisiana workers' compensation covers the financial support of workers should they be injured while on the job. The point of workers' compensation is to support workers so they can recover, get back to work quickly, and not face a mountain of debt from medical bills from an injury out of their control.

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Kevin Barraco Kevin Barraco

10 Things to Know About Hurricane Insurance Claims in Louisiana

Hurricanes are the costliest natural disaster in Louisiana, which is why a property damage claim and other insurance claims are essential in the storm's aftermath. At Montiel Hodge, we are your number one choice for hurricane insurance lawyers - if you need assistance with hurricane insurance litigation, we are here for you.

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Kevin Barraco Kevin Barraco

Denied Hurricane Claims: How can you afford an attorney and get your house repaired?

Many homeowners approach us with the same story, “we paid our insurance premiums for many years and never made a claim, and now the insurance company has told us that they are denying our claim. Now their concern is how can I afford to hire an attorney if I already can’t afford to fix my home?

The answer is simple in Louisiana. Penalties and Attorney fees provisions in the insurance code make up the difference. Both La R.S. 23: 1892 and La R.S. 23: 1973 can be used by homeowners to pay for attorney fees in addition to fixing their home.

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